Wednesday, August 29, 2012

EveRy sinGLe Guy sHOulD knOW WHAT a giRL is THinkInG

By discoandrea
This week I learned an amazing lesson from a young woman. I have to say that this gives the women away but in the best possible way....

Kindness attracts women but a great heart keeps them.

Being suave catches women's attention but being responsible convinces them.

Being tight-fisted irritates women but overwhelming love weakens them. 

The 'girl' in every woman glams out occasionally but your ability to handle this  is a man's truest maturity.

Women have secret struggles and silent pains; if you ever find them you would have exhibited the greatest maturity for a man.

In the long-run your 'good heart' matters more to a woman than your 'pocket'.

So invest the right amount of kindness. 

Earn a woman's love and she will consider you the standard for her heart. 

Learn to mould the moods of your woman.

Women will naturally give you their futures if they can recall your kindness in yesterday's issues.

Men are everywhere but KINGS are scarce; let the King in you come alive and she will hold you in high esteem.

I probably need more of all these....any help?

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